
French Language Rights

Our clinic provides services in both official languages of Canada. Our bilingual staff can help you with your legal problems in French and English.

The clinic is committed to the rights of francophone minorities in Ontario. In that, we help Francophones enforce their rights. This may include:

  • awareness of Francophone Rights in Ontario, such as rights to services in French.
  • public legal education sessions on designated areas in Ontario
  • public legal education sessions on designated agencies in Ontario and at the federal level.
  • how to fill a complaint

Moreover, in partnership with some of the southwest legal clinics (Hamilton Community Legal Clinic, Niagara Community Legal Clinic, Mississauga Community Legal Services, Waterloo Region Community Legal Services and London Neighborhood Legal Services Inc.), we have established the Southwest Integrated Legal Clinic’s French Language Service Program.

The program is designed to ensure that all low-income people in underserviced areas in the southwest region have access to legal services in French in partnership with their local community legal clinic.

Simply call 1-855-650-9716 and together with the legal clinic in your area we will do our best to meet your legal needs.

We may also connect you with other agency services within your area.

All information is confidential.

Note: Legal Aid Ontario has Francophone legal advice lines.


The Steps to Justice website has information about French language rights.