
About Us

The Windsor Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic is a non-profit community legal clinic providing legal services to low-income individuals living the Windsor Essex and Essex County region.

Our Vision

Social justice, empowerment and respect for language rights in our community.

Our Mission

To provide free legal services and promote community development in French and English to low-income people and not-for-profit organizations in Windsor and Essex County through advocacy, legal representation, education and support as part of Legal Aid Ontario.


The Clinic offers free advice, representation and referrals in both French and English to low-income residents of Windsor and Essex County. The services are provided by staff lawyers and paralegals experienced in administrative law.  They represent clients, give legal opinions or make appropriate referrals.  All information is kept strictly confidential.


The Clinic also engages in law reform activities, community outreach and public legal education.

Our Programs

Southwest Integrated French Language Service Program

Programme intégré des services juridiques en français du Sud-Ouest

The program ensures that all legal clinics in southwestern Ontario have access to French Language Services for their clients.

C.A.R.E for international workers

The program is comprised of 10 community partner agencies to assist migrant workers in understanding and exercising their legal rights as well as to promote their overall health and wellness.