Contact Information
It is best to contact us by phone, or email using the form below. We can discuss your issue and schedule and appointment when necessary.
Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic
Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic
Langlois Community Hub,
1770 Langlois Avenue,
Windsor, Ontario, N8X 4M5
Telephone: 519-253-3526
Fax: 519-253-7874
Office Hours
Monday to Friday: from 9 am to 3:30 pm
Walk-ins: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am - 2:00pm for Intake Only
Notes: We share our location with other agencies namely, Family Services and Sexual Assault Crisis Centre.
Leamington satellite office
Leamington satellite office
215 Talbot St. E
Leamington, Ontario, N8H 3X5
By appointment only