
Mayor’s Recognition Award – Distinguished Volunteer Service to C.A.R.E. for International Workers 🏆

On December 7, 2021, the Municipality of Leamington conferred the 2021 Mayor’s Recognition Award for Distinguished Volunteer Service to C.A.R.E. for International Workers, a program created and led by WEBLC since 2017.

Award was received by Francy Munoz, lead of the program at the Clinic – (minute 5:34) video link:

At the top of the picture, from left to right, are: Consul Vanessa Calva (Consulate of Mexico in Leamington), Kamal Mann (Windsor-Essex Compassion Care Community), Saul Hernandez (Temple La Buena Semilla), Francy Munoz (Windsor-Essex Bilingual Legal Clinic), Mayor of the City of Leamington Hilda MacDonald.